The MIC echelons fail to realise that the real reason behind their loss of the Indian community’s support is the Indian Malaysian’s suppression, marginalisation and discrimination by the majority ‘bully rule’ Umno-led government of which MIC is part of.
MIC leaders have been self-serving and have never truly advocated for the basic rights of the Indian community all this while. They are equally guilty of the sins committed upon Indian Malaysian and have realised it far too late.
Urging the government to now immediately implement plans drawn out for the Indians comes at a time when the community has lost all confidence in the MIC and the government.
Samy forging a pact - however strong it may be - with Subra is no magic formula to resolve the loss of confidence in the MIC amongst the Indian community. Samy should be best advised to adopt a ‘self-imposed purge’ of all crony leaders appointed by him and rid the party of the old guards including Dato Subra.
Open up the party to young, energetic professional and courageous leaders who would speak up for the truth even if it means upsetting Umno. The failure to do this would only lead MIC into deeper isolation.
P.WatyaMoorthy – Hindraf Chairman
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