Ahli Parlimen Shah Alam Khalid Samad menyanggah dakwaan Naib Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussien bahawa Pakatan Rakyat gagal menjalankan tugas berikutan isu insiden membabitkan pemindahan kuil di Seksyen 23 Shah Alam.
Khalid ketika dihubungi oleh TV Antara berkata, tanggungjawab kerajaan negeri telah dilaksanakan dengan sebaiknya lalu mengadakan dialogsupaya penduduk Seksyen 23 dapat mengutarakan sebarang permasalahandengan lebih jelas.
"Kita telah menjalankan tugas untuk mengadakan dialog. Itu tanggungjawab kita tetapi bila mereka-mereka yang menjadi penimbul masalah semamsa dialog itu, adalah orang-orang yang sama yang mengarakkan kepala lembu dab oleh kerana mereka tidak dikenakan sebarang tindakan, dan Hishamuddin sendiri menyatakan sokongan tindakan biadap mereka itu, maka itulah yang menyebabkan dialog itu tidak dapat berjalan dengan baik," ujarnya.
Katanya lagi, sokongan yang diberikan oleh Hishamuddin sekali gus memarakkan lagi semangat anti perkauman sehingga menimbulkan kekecohan pada sesi dialog yang berlangsung dalam Ramadhan yang mulia.
"Kegagalannya adalah daripada pihak kerajaan pusat yang memberikan pelindungan dan pembelaan serta sokongan dan dokongan kepada golongan pelampau yang diberikan kebebasan untuk bertindak sesuka hati," katanya lagi.
Malah dalam nada tegas Khalid berkata, tiada seorang pun ahli PAS atau Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) yang terlibat dalam siri kekecohan yang berlangsung diSeksyen 23 shah Alam dan pada sesi dialog di Dewan Bankuet Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam (MBSA).
Namun katanya lagi, sekiranya terdapat ahli PAS mahu pun PKR yang turut serta dalam insiden yang memalukan itu, pihaknya tidak teragak-agak untuk menyingkirkan mereka sebagai ahli parti lantaran tindakan yang bercanggah itu.
"Berhubung dengan ahli PAS dan PKR, setakat mana yang kita lihat semua yang bercakap pada hari yang berkenaan adalah orang UMNO. Tak ada seorang pun yang ahli PAS. Walaupun mereka mengakui mereka dari PAS, PKR dan sebagainya tetapi pengakuan itu hanya sekadar pengakuan dan tidak ada satu perkara yang terbukti," tambah beliau lagi.
Beliau menambah, sekiranya pakatan pembangkang tidak pernah berkompromi terhadap kebiadapan sedemikian rupa, mengapa tidak UMNO juga mengambil tindakan yang sama terhadap ahli mereka yang terlibat.
"Sekiranya ada orang PAS atau PKR sekalipun, kalau mereka buktikan keahlian mereka, maka kita akan ambil tindakan untuk memecat mereka kerana tindakan mereka bercanggah dengan dasar-dasar dan nilai yang dibawa oleh parti dan sekiranya UMNO sendiri benar dengan sikap mereka menolak ekstrimisme, maka mereka seharusnya mengambil tindakan yang sama," tegas Khalid.
Ujarnya lagi, pihaknya tetap berpendirian kekecohan yang berlaku berpunca dari mainan UMNO.
"Mereka cakap itu hanya untuk menutup hakikat bahawa, ianya sebenarnya memang ditaja oleh UMNO Barisan Nasional. Hakikat ini terbukti dengan campur tangan Noh Omar dan sokongannya yang ditunjukkan oleh Hishamuddin," katanya.
Dalam satu perkembangan yang lain, ADUN Kota Damansara, Dr Nasir Hashim turut mempunyai pandangannya yang tersendiri berkenaan dengan isu kuil.
"Soalnya ini bulan puasa, kedua itu kita cerita pasal 1 Malaysia, semenjak sebut I Malaysia, semenjak pilihanraya 2008, isu kaum dibangkit-bangkitkan dan gayanya secara langsung dan tidak langsung seolah-olah itu sahaj modal yang ada. Tidak ada jalan lain sebenarnya. Mungkin dulu isu kaum itu orang sudah memberontak tapi kita lihat orang dan kumpulan tertentu yang hangat sangat," ujar Nasir.
Nasir juga berkata, setelah lebih 50 tahun negara kita mencapai kemerdekaan, sepatutnya kerajaan bersikap waras dan matang dalam menangani isu perkauman.
Beliau berkata demikian setelah mendengar 16 Hindraf ditahan dalam upacara nyalaan lilin di ibu negara baru-baru ini.
"Yang baru-baru ini Hindraf kena tahan, bawa bunga dan sebagainya, yang satu lagi bawa kepala lembu yang merupakan simbol kepada kepada kaum India, dipijak dan dilidah, tidak satu pun yang kena tahan. Polislembab dan nampak sangat seolah-olah kalau isu kaum ini berlaku, BN boleh dapat balik 5 negeri termasuk wilayah. Itu harapan mereka. Di mana 1 Malaysia? 1 Malaysia itu hanya omong-omong kosong sahaja.
Benda itu satu hipokrasi," ujarnya beliau.
Majlis dialog yang berlangsung pada 5 September lalu bertujuan memberipenerangan dan mengumpul maklum balas berhubung cadangan kerajaan negeri memindahkan kuil Hindu berusia lebih 100 tahun dari Seksyen 19 ke Seksyen 23.
Penduduk di Sekysen 19 telah merungut sekian lama bahawa kuil itu terletak hanya kira-kira 20 meter daripada kawasan perumahan dan menimbulkan pelbagai kemusykilan.
Kerajaan Barisan Nasional,baik di Selangor mahupun di peringkat Persekutuan akur dengan rungutan itu tetapi tidak mengambil apa-apa tindakan untuk bertahun-tahun.
Setelah mengambil alih pemerintahan Selangor tahun lalu, Pakatan Rakyat mengemukakan cadangan untuk memindahkan kuil itu ke sebuah tapak industri di Seksyen 23 yang terletak kira-kira 200 meter daripada kawasan perumahan, dan bukan lagi 20 meter seperti di Sekysen 19.
Malangnya dialog itu "disabotaj" UMNO.
TV Antara
Malaysians, contemplating the country’s sustained political stability, ethnic harmony and economic growth, appeared prepared to accept a gradual erosion of their fundamental rights, and a parallel increase in the powers accumulated by the Executive branch of government.
Monday, September 07, 2009
No double standards on religion
MCCBCHST (Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism & Taoism) notes with deep concern that the cowhead incident in Shah Alam is not an isolated case. Another recent example of this kind of insensitivity was when the Holy Eucharist was desecrated when certain persons went to a church, took the consecrated bread and spewed it out.
Such irreverent and sacrilegious conduct should not be condoned and allowed to be repeated with impunity. In seating the organisers of the recent demonstration in Shah Alam to his right and left during his press conference, the home affairs minister seemed to have bestowed honour to the perpetrators of a gravely offensive and dangerous event whereby seditious speeches accompanied by the stepping on the severed head of the cow were made. What signals would this send to the people?
Not surprisingly, therefore, the same disrespectful, unruly and unwilling to listen behaviour on the part of some rendered the town hall meeting between the Menteri Besar and Section 23 residents to discuss the issue on September 5 2009 unmanageable and unproductive.The same rules must apply to all.
MCCBCHST is concerned that wheareas in the August 28 2009 Shah Alam incident the police had stood by while the demonstrators desecrated the cow head and made seditious speeches, the police acted strongly against would-be candlelight vigilers in the vicinity of Dataran Merdeka on September 5 2009. Also, Malaysiakini has now been warned by MCMC (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission) not to make the video showing the terrible acts in the Shah Alam incident available for viewing to their readers. Thinking Malaysians will rightly raise the question: Which comes first- the act or the video which exposes the act? How do we as a country go about resolving our problems? In this case, stopping the video of the act will not unmake the act. We must surely first prevent the act and the video would not have existed.
For the sake and good of all Malaysians and peace and order in Malaysia, consistent, fair, just and rational measures should be applied regardless of religion, ethnicity, culture, gender or political connection.
There must be one rule for all Malaysians.
All who incite ill feelings amongst religious communities, denigrate any religion, desecrate the religious symbols of any religion or threaten to commit violence against others must be promptly deterred and held accountable. They must face charges and given a fair trial in a court of law.
Sacrilegious acts committed by adherents of any one religion upon another religion must never be condoned. We hold to the principle that all human beings and communities have a sacred right of freedom of choice as far as their religious belief and practice is concerned.We stand with Malaysians of all religious and political persuasions who were outraged by the flagrant disregard for the sensitivities of others shown by the Shah Alam demonstrators.
We welcome the partnership of all Malaysians of goodwill. Together we can weather the mischief and bigotry of those who seek to drive a wedge between us and divide rather than unite the people of this land.
We Malaysians live in a pluralistic society and accordingly we must respect our neighbours and endeavour to learn about their beliefs, customs and sentiments. It is upon such understanding of others and what is dear to them that our nation can be firmly rooted and grow strong and united.
The way to manage our differences is not by creating enclaves whereby Malaysians will be segregated and separated from one another but through understanding and respect. Let us live together next to one another rather than to live apart. Each succeeding generation of Malaysians should grow closer rather than to be pulled apart.
The site chosen in Section 23 of Shah Alam for the Hindu temple to be relocated to complies with local government conditions. It is over 300 meters away from any housing area, six times more than the 50-meter requirement. If the authorities accept the objection to it by certain quarters, the social dynamics of Malaysian life will be affected and the consequence on national integration will be very serious indeed.
We must not subscribe to the view of thinking about Malaysians as majorities and minorities, and majorities versus minorities.
MCCBCHST therefore calls upon all Malaysians of goodwill to be in earnest prayer for the peaceful and just resolution of the issue. Those in authority at the community, religious and governmental level must be firm to unequivocally reject unreasonable, unfair and anti-social behaviour and demand.
Rev. Dr Thomas Philips
MCCBCHST President
Petaling Jaya
Such irreverent and sacrilegious conduct should not be condoned and allowed to be repeated with impunity. In seating the organisers of the recent demonstration in Shah Alam to his right and left during his press conference, the home affairs minister seemed to have bestowed honour to the perpetrators of a gravely offensive and dangerous event whereby seditious speeches accompanied by the stepping on the severed head of the cow were made. What signals would this send to the people?
Not surprisingly, therefore, the same disrespectful, unruly and unwilling to listen behaviour on the part of some rendered the town hall meeting between the Menteri Besar and Section 23 residents to discuss the issue on September 5 2009 unmanageable and unproductive.The same rules must apply to all.
MCCBCHST is concerned that wheareas in the August 28 2009 Shah Alam incident the police had stood by while the demonstrators desecrated the cow head and made seditious speeches, the police acted strongly against would-be candlelight vigilers in the vicinity of Dataran Merdeka on September 5 2009. Also, Malaysiakini has now been warned by MCMC (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission) not to make the video showing the terrible acts in the Shah Alam incident available for viewing to their readers. Thinking Malaysians will rightly raise the question: Which comes first- the act or the video which exposes the act? How do we as a country go about resolving our problems? In this case, stopping the video of the act will not unmake the act. We must surely first prevent the act and the video would not have existed.
For the sake and good of all Malaysians and peace and order in Malaysia, consistent, fair, just and rational measures should be applied regardless of religion, ethnicity, culture, gender or political connection.
There must be one rule for all Malaysians.
All who incite ill feelings amongst religious communities, denigrate any religion, desecrate the religious symbols of any religion or threaten to commit violence against others must be promptly deterred and held accountable. They must face charges and given a fair trial in a court of law.
Sacrilegious acts committed by adherents of any one religion upon another religion must never be condoned. We hold to the principle that all human beings and communities have a sacred right of freedom of choice as far as their religious belief and practice is concerned.We stand with Malaysians of all religious and political persuasions who were outraged by the flagrant disregard for the sensitivities of others shown by the Shah Alam demonstrators.
We welcome the partnership of all Malaysians of goodwill. Together we can weather the mischief and bigotry of those who seek to drive a wedge between us and divide rather than unite the people of this land.
We Malaysians live in a pluralistic society and accordingly we must respect our neighbours and endeavour to learn about their beliefs, customs and sentiments. It is upon such understanding of others and what is dear to them that our nation can be firmly rooted and grow strong and united.
The way to manage our differences is not by creating enclaves whereby Malaysians will be segregated and separated from one another but through understanding and respect. Let us live together next to one another rather than to live apart. Each succeeding generation of Malaysians should grow closer rather than to be pulled apart.
The site chosen in Section 23 of Shah Alam for the Hindu temple to be relocated to complies with local government conditions. It is over 300 meters away from any housing area, six times more than the 50-meter requirement. If the authorities accept the objection to it by certain quarters, the social dynamics of Malaysian life will be affected and the consequence on national integration will be very serious indeed.
We must not subscribe to the view of thinking about Malaysians as majorities and minorities, and majorities versus minorities.
MCCBCHST therefore calls upon all Malaysians of goodwill to be in earnest prayer for the peaceful and just resolution of the issue. Those in authority at the community, religious and governmental level must be firm to unequivocally reject unreasonable, unfair and anti-social behaviour and demand.
Rev. Dr Thomas Philips
MCCBCHST President
Petaling Jaya
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