Friday, March 28, 2008

Barisan Rakyat, please fight for Hindraf 5 release

The prime minister has had his answer from the Malaysian rakyat as to why his coalition lost the five states. One of the reasons is the BN government’s spurious allegations that the Hindraf 5 are a threat to internal security.

What rubbish, and if Abdullah Ahmad Badawi thinks that Malaysian are buying this, he is dead wrong. The Internal Security Act is a bad law in the present times. It may have been a necessity during the Emergency (to detain a person without trial) but not so now. To even suggest that Hindraf were linked to the Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka is to compare VK Lingam with Mahatma Ghandi.

The judges who dismissed applications from the families of the detained five to free them are all suspect and subservient to the political masters who appointed them. They talk of law with no sense of conscience or know what is justice. The Lingam Tape case is ample testimony of the rot in the judiciary.

The families may appeal to the Federal Court but I do not expect any judge appointed by the previous government to do anything better, because the integrity of all them are suspect. Sure, there maybe honest judges, but they are far and few in between.

I am calling on the Barisan Rakyat in Perak, Penang, Selangor, Kedah including our brothers in Kelantan to stand up for the Hindraf 5 . They may have been a factor in winning the Indian vote, but today we are not talking about Indians.

Today we are talking about Malaysians, and the Hindraf 5 are our Malaysian brothers who have been detained unjustly by the incorrigibly corrupt BN government which has no inkling of justice or human conscience.

The release of the Hindraf 5 has to be the priority of the Barisan Rakyat agenda. They should not be incarcerated a minute longer than necessary.

DAP-PKR-PAS do not be drowned in the joy of your victory. If justice is your cause, you must stand up for the Hindraf 5 immediately.

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