Chu: To say the Indians ‘want’ immediate actions is an understatement! The poor and destitute Indians as well as the Ibans, Dusuns, Bidayuh, Dayaks, Malays and Chinese in Malaysia ‘need’ immediate action. Please focus on assisting them in the areas of education and their basic daily needs first.
And for the Indians, do we need to be told by a man who was supposed to be their ‘paramount leader’ for so many years of our needs? Is he sincere and honest? If he is sincere, start helping us on his own, after all he is well-known to be one of the richest Tamils in the world.
Samsson: Can I tell you Samy that you have no more business asking and demanding anything for the Indians in this country anymore. You sold our Indian pride to Umno all this years and never lifted a finger to stand up for our rights so why bother now?
You and your cronies can keep your questions to yourselves we don’t need you and MIC anymore . We have stood for our rights on our own .
Balakrishnan Manickam: What's the hurry Samy? It's interesting to see the sudden onrush and seemingly grave concern from the MIC leadership towards the Indian community now. Being in the ruling government and parliament for decades have not been fruitful in looking after the interest of the very people they represent and this only reflects one thing - a total lack of commitment.
There's a new dawn which has proved itself and it is the birth of a new beginning for the Indian community with people who have been on the ground and fought and seen the suffering of the the community. The Indian community has spoken with their votes, and they know who truthfully should represent them and it is not you Samy or your MIC.
Job Dhanaraj: When in primary school, we were threatened that witches will come at night and make us drink rat’s blood if we do not do our home work. And our parents warned that we would be given no food if we do not practice our piano. And when we argued with our parents, we were told that our bodies would be dug up by ghosts and eaten as supper. And when I did try to study, I was promised to be made an architect and be like the very first Malaysian architect who according to them (in their desperation to make me study ), were the real builders of the Egyptian pyramids.
And while still struggling in primary school, I was even promised to be sent to Nasa to become a space commander to explore outer space – fear, hopes, fantasies and fantastic promises by parents just to make us kids study. Parents have a way with below average-brained children. And now this Samy Vellu guy is bringing back all those nostalgic memories by being told and he himself saying that he is still relevant. Indeed, some of grandmother’s stories being told all over again! May I suggest that they contact the Tom & Jerry people to use his stores to create new entertainment show for cartoon lovers?
Marion Tharsis: Samy Vellu and MIC have inflicted serious wounds in the trust and belief of the Indians in their role as the custodians of the Indians' interests and well-being. One lingering issue to be resolved soonest if MIC wants to have any hope of survival and gain some lost support, is the Maika fiasco. The urgent priority is to refund all the poor people’s investments in full. No more excuses, no more intimidations and certainly no more threats and delays. If this cannot be fulfilled expeditiously, then do not waste your time talking about reforms. All this big talk is nothing more than just empty promises again. You would be better off starting a drama company.
Secondly, of equal importance is change from within first. Do not look outside to put the blame or to divert the reasons for the debacle. The current leadership has to take blame openly and make way for a new, energetic and intellectuals to helm the party.
Remove the camouflage and show you really care. We want immediate action and results - not mere words which has been the case for the past quarter century and five years.
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