Thursday, July 21, 2011

Only “Neo Democratic Revolution” can bring down UMNO regime

What do you do with a political party that has been in power for 54 years and ruling with an iron fist though they successfully portray their regime a caring one??

Every Malaysian knows that UMNO’s rule is an evil regime. I say UMNO because it is UMNO that rules and dictates in the 12 member coalition. They are well trained by the British in divide and rule policy.

Divide the rakyat into fragments. Divide the opposition into fragments. Cause fear amongst the Malays that the Chinese are out to take power in the Malay land. Cause fear amongst Muslims that the Christians would rule and that is the end of the Muslim monarchy. Cause fear that the Indians are linked to LTTE. These fears is enough to send ripples among the monarchs that if they do not back UMNO, their Sovereign power would be vanished. In fact many do not recognize this was exactly what UMNO used to intimidate the Rulers pre independence in 1957. The Malay rulers were “blackmailed” that they would lose power under British rule as happened to the Princes in Indonesia and India. Thus the Rulers were willing to surrender their sovereign power to UMNO to save themselves as early as 1955 substituting the Resident Generals to Menteris Besars. The British played along, as they knew it was easier to control the UMNO boys who were educated in England. The Malay downtrodden looked at the educated UMNO boys as their savoir. This in turn served the British, as their business interests in the then Malaya would be protected.

So how do we bring down this regime?? Only waves of Makkal Sakthi – People Power can change this. We have seen how this worked to a certain degree in 2007. Two major people uprisings shook the Government. It is now time for all stakeholders to plan and strategize. The Bersih rally on July 9th may be smaller in numbers compared to 2007. Does that mean the power of wave is weakened? Would Bersih alone do the magic??

Bersih is all about free and fair elections. With this should come larger wave of neo democratic revolution! The mindset of the people has to be revolutionalised! The true power lies in the mind of the people. If all Malaysian minds can be awakened from within that democracy is their birthright and not the privilege of few, then truly a neo revolution of people’s power can be a reality.

A complete overhaul in the mindset of opposition leaders is needed. The people need to be convinced of what they would receive out of the neo revolution. Mere rhetoric’s of “CHANGE” is not adequate.

The people would appreciate if some of the following can be implemented;

- Equality in the true sense and respect for human dignity.
- Equitable distribution of the country’s wealth to all its citizens
- Religious freedom in accordance with Universal principles.
- Respect for Individual rights and civil liberties
- Dismantling of all racist policies.
- Overhaul of the Judiciary which has been manipulative and tempering the judicial system.
- Overhaul the corrupted Police force, which play hand in glove with the underworld and hold the country at ransom in the name of National security.
- Allocation of sufficient funds to prevent brain drain and give equal opportunities to professionals to excel and contribute to the country’s wealth.

Now wait a minute. Is the above possible in Malaysia? PAS would not agree to religious freedom according to International standard for fear of losing the Malay-Muslim support. PKR would not support it either.

What about equality? Dismantling racist policies? Does that mean dismantling of Article 153? No no that is not possible as it would offend the Malay heartland.

Revamping the Judiciary and Police force???
Respect for Individual rights???
No lah this is Malaysia. Malaysians would not accept the idea. It’s not our culture!! All these are not possible in this bolehland??

So where do we stand. What change do we seek?

Well this is my answer to politicians.

They have to start thinking out of the box.

Religious freedom according to Universal principles can be implemented without upsetting the majority Muslims if they set off advocating the fairness principles advocated in Islam. PAS and Muslim clerics must develop the courage to speak openly.

Equality can be implemented without upsetting Article 153. All it needs is cracking the head. It would be a win win situation for all.

Overhaul Judiciary- openly say you would rid Judges who are not fit and corrupted. That would gain people confidence and send shivers to the immune in the Palace of Justice. That would encourage and boost the few Judges who are fair and release them from their shackles.

Will the people buy this??

All Malaysians are fair-minded, caring and potentially given very much to sharing and sharing alike. Never under estimate them. They can be easily awakened so long as politicians are sincere and truly desire change. The Malaysian mindset is ready for purification after 54 years of manipulations. They are courageous and looking out for true audacious leaders. Waves of awakening will eventually come from all corners - Malays Chinese Indians, Kadazans ibans Orang Aslis Civil Servants Trade Unions Businessmen. This wave will not only hit the shores of Kuala Lumpur but also erupt from every state, every towns and districts every Kampungs and Tamans.

Be bold. Never look back. Just move on a true and sincere agenda for change and the rakyat will be behind this great movement of “Neo Democratic Revolution”.

Chairman - Hindraf

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